
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Plus size body shape yoga

A plus size body shape does not readily come to mind when you think about a yoga class.  However, yoga is a great way to:

1 - decrease stress - who doesn't need this these days?
2 - increase muscle tone - muscle may weigh more than fat, but it burns calories faster too!
3 - reduce joint pain and inflammation
4 - give you better balance
5 - improve self image by connecting the mind and body.

It is recommended that you seek out a yoga class for beginners with a qualified teacher.  Pick one that is on your way to work or home from work so it's convenient.  Yoga classes for plus size women are becoming increasingly popular.  You can probably Google for some classes in your local area.

However, if you are not able to find classes to suit your schedule, etc., I have discovered a website that sells DVDs for plus size yoga and general exercise.

Now that we have gotten the courage to seek out a yoga class or purchase a yoga DVD, we need to discuss what we will wear to said class.  Don't get sucked into the "I'm plus size, I'm going to wear a baggy T-shirt and sweat pants" trap.  It's alright to wear something form fitting.  Check out the following links for ideas on cute and trendy workout clothes.

No matter if you decide yoga is for you or not, take care of yourself.  Be who you want to be and own it.

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